Ok..For today..early in the morning..I have a Freaking tired photography class at "Bortanical" or
"Boutanical" Garden..whatever la..i don't know how to spell it..as long as is a garden..i know that ^^"when i reached there..i was "waa..so nice.."afterthat the lecturer say.."KIA..hiking.."i was like.."WTF!"mampus kali ini..haha..then..i just follow them walk..till very..far..and high..until my legs no feeling..^^..listen..is Pain until no feeling..hahaha..and then..we "enjoying" at there..that is so nice..a lot of trees..plants..grass..small waterfall..and also ANTS..Ewww~LOL..we were hanging at there for..around..2 hours gua..forget how long already..haha..
ok ok..tired for crapping..this is what did at That..don't know what garden..xPP
See..so smooth..=D
"Boutanical" Garden..whatever la..i don't know how to spell it..as long as is a garden..i know that ^^"when i reached there..i was "waa..so nice.."afterthat the lecturer say.."KIA..hiking.."i was like.."WTF!"mampus kali ini..haha..then..i just follow them walk..till very..far..and high..until my legs no feeling..^^..listen..is Pain until no feeling..hahaha..and then..we "enjoying" at there..that is so nice..a lot of trees..plants..grass..small waterfall..and also ANTS..Ewww~LOL..we were hanging at there for..around..2 hours gua..forget how long already..haha..
ok ok..tired for crapping..this is what did at That..don't know what garden..xPP
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